How do you like these photos?
I shot them last week on a day that was mostly cloudy, rainy and quite chilly. It wasn't the kind of spring day most people hope for. I shot the pics in color; composition was good...nice lines...crisp, clear color. The pictures were decent but not that great. Ho hum! Then I played around with them on the computer and -- POP -- surreal and engaging. I can't stop looking at the first one. Perfect!
Now let's talk about the weather that day. All day long, people were complaining about it. Earlier that afternoon, I heard someone describe it as "yucky." Yet, when I was out for a walk in the park at City Beach in downtown Sandpoint, although it was cold, windy and rainy, I saw a family playing baseball together, laughing, enjoying each other, splashing through puddles, sliding in the soggy grass and having a fabulous time. Perfect!
Even when we don't enjoy the prolific spring rains around here, we all know how important they are. And the cold? That serves a purpose too. I don't know what that purpose was on that particular afternoon, but just because most people didn't like it, that doesn't mean the cold was "bad." If you doubt the perfection of the cold, the rain and the synergy of all weather conditions, just look around and behold the spectacular scenery of North Idaho. I'm here day in and day out, and I'm constantly blown away by the exquisite splendor surounding me. I can't tell you how many times I have been talking about an unrelated subject, then looked at the Cabinet Mountains, the Seven Sisters, a dilapidated barn, an newborn colt, Schweitzer Mountain, a moose, a cloud formation, Lake Pend Oreille, or any of the endless variety of sights, and stopped mid-sentence to say, "WOW! That's amazing! Perfect!
How do you feel today...?

Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: Here is this week's update on the Oby Phenomenon:

You can now purchase or order Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Gude to Health and Well-being at your favorite local bookstore. Here in the Inland Northwest, Oby is on the shelves at these locations:
Spokane: Auntie's Bookstore, downtown
Coeur d'Alene: Hastings and Borders
Sandpoint: Inquire Within, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market, Zero Point and Vanderford's Books & Office Products
Book signings:
There are no book signings currently on the schedule, although I'm working on one at Borders in North Spokane, perhaps next month.
If you would like to host or help arrange a book signing, please let me know and we will make it happen.
You can also visit the official Oby's Wisdom website to purchase a copy. www.ObysWisdom.com
Buy Oby's Wisdom on Amazon. Oby enjoyed a spike in Amazon sales this past week. Thanks!
Buy Oby's Wisdom at BarnesAndNoble.com
In India and other locations in Asia, Oby's Wisdom is available at Infibeam.com
(Free shipping in India.)
If you would prefer to read the book digitally, you can find Oby's Wisdom in various digital formats at:
Barnes and Noble's Nook
Sony e-reader
Other digital formats at Smashwords.com
Coming soon to Kindle.
I think Oby may be available for Apple's iPad now. I'm not sure. If you have an iPad, check it out. (BTW - I'm thinking about buying an iPad. If you own one, please post a comment about how you like it.)