Ferrari...!...One of the finest cars ever made!
Even for me, a non car buff, the sight of a Ferrari gives me a sense of excitement. (Not that we see many of them here in the Panhandle of Idaho.) The other day, I drove my Subaru Forester to the Tubbs Hill trailhead adjacent to downtown Coeur d'Alene. This particular trailhead is at one end of a very large parking lot which also happens to be right next to the Coeur d'Alene Resort. When I arrived, there were two large trucks offloading their special cargo -- priceless vintage automobiles that were arriving for the start of the Northwest Passage Vintage Rally. The two pictures in this post are of a Ferrari that was offloaded just as I arrived. According to my automobile consultant (my son), this is a Ferrari 360 Spyder. I marveled at the sleek, exquisite beauty of the cars I saw. It was obvious to me that the owners put a lot of loving care into their cars! Good example for all of us to follow, whether we happen to be proud owners of a Bently or a Bug.
As I stepped off on my run around the Lake Trail, I began to wonder how many of those car owners take care of themselves as well as they take care of their cars. As my run proceeded and my thoughts progressed, I reflected on what shape our cars would be in if our "car care system" was designed the same as our healthcare system. Here's what we would have:
--Car insurance would cover a blown engine or transmission, but not oil changes or tune-ups.
--Most people wouldn't bother with tune-ups.
--Mechanics (also known as Mechanical Doers or MDs) wouldn't know -- or care -- how to do tune-ups anyway.
----MDs would only work with cars at the most superficial of levels, and would treat car problems by removing parts and by pouring lots and lots of dangerous, rust-producing useless gunky substances (DRUGS) into them.
--Most people would buy cheap "junk gas" that contained caustic ingredients that would significantly decrease their car's performance and would slice years off the life of the car. Even though people knew the gas was bad, they'd buy it anyway. All the time.
--Our government would heavily subsidize junk gas and DRUGS, and we would be indoctrinated during EVERY television commerical break on how wonderful our cars will be if we always use junk gas and DRUGS. Lots of them. Every day.
The result is obvious: We would have a national fleet of clunkers. Ferraris would be rare indeed!
In such a backward world, would there be
any hope at all for our cars? Yes!There would be infinite hope...if we also had specially trained car lovers who Dote on Cars (also known as DCs)who would be experts on true car
care -- from the inside out!
MDs may be able to slow down your clunkiness process. Sometimes. (Sometimes they speed it up.)
DCs help bring out your inner Ferrari!
Would you rather be a clunker...or a Ferrari? Your choice!

Until next time,
Dr. Mark William CochranChiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: Here is the latest update on the Oby Phenomenon: I still have my fingers crossed for a review of
Oby's Wisdom in
O! The Oprah Magazine. (Read last week's super excting update.) Please keep yours crossed, too!

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Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Gude to Health and Well-being at your favorite local bookstore. Here in the Inland Northwest, Oby is on the shelves at these locations:
Spokane: Auntie's Bookstore, downtown
Coeur d'Alene: Hastings and Borders
Sandpoint: Inquire Within, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market, Zero Point and Vanderford's Books & Office Products
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