One hundred years ago this week, the great fire of 1910 roared through North Idaho, Western Montana and Eastern Washington, scorching over 5 million acres of lush forest. During one 36 hour period on August 20 - 21 a firestorm now known as The Big Blowup burned 3 million acres of National Forest. At least 85 people, mostly firefighters, died in the blaze and 8 billion board feet of timber were destroyed. Evidence of the fire is still visible today. But to see it, you have to look pretty close. Although the fire damage was total in many locations, the forest immediately began to come back to life. For many years now, the forests of the Inland Northwest have thrived.
The photo at the top is the forest today, north of Sandpoint, Idaho. That's the Pack River.
Below is a photo of a huge tree that was burned but survived the fire. Several years ago, it died and toppled over. Burn marks are still visible. And the "dead" tree has become a home for new life.

Below are a couple photos of stumps of old cedar trees near the Pack River that probably died in the fire. Note how new growth has taken root inside of the stumps.

The next photo is of a gigantic ponderosa pine on Canfield Mountain near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. It is known to local hikers and horseback riders as The Big Tree. I'm pretty sure that this tree is well over 100 years old. What you can't see in this picture is that the top of the tree looks dead. Bare wood. Below it, a long expanse of massive living, green branches. Although it seems evident that The Big Tree was severly damaged in the fire, it continues to thrive today.

The rejuvenating power of Nature -- of life -- is amazing.
That power is in you!
Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: This week's update on the Oby Phenomenon:

This week's highlight: Tune in this Friday, August 20, 10 AM Pacific time to hear me interiewed on The Hollis Chapman Show on Blog Talk Radio.
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