Take a look at the photo below.

The first blow with the maul barely made a dent in the wood. It seemed insignificant. But it was a start...
After about 20 more blows, this happened:

Usually, a noticeable crack appears across the diameter of the log and then, after a couple more strikes, the log splits. That's what I expected and I had planned to take a picture of the first big crack. But that didn't happen this time. I was pounding away, making seemingly insignificantly dents and then all of a sudden, with one strike, I had a complete split. It seemed instantaneous. But, of course, there was a lot leading up to that instantaneous split.
And then, with just a few more swings, I had this:

Think of your health. What direction are your seemingly insignificant steps taking you...?
Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: This week's update on the Oby Phenomenon:

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Coeur d'Alene: Hastings and Borders
Sandpoint: Inquire Within, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market, Zero Point and Vanderford's Books & Office Products
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