Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Secret to Healthy Nutrition: Never Go On a Diet Again!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did. It is such a wonderful holiday, celebrating one of the most beautiful and empowering states of consciousness there is: gratitude.

Thanksgiving is a day of feasting and it ushers in the winter holiday season. The holidays are fun and joyous time of celebration and fellowship, but they can also be a time of great challenge. The challenge I am talking about is, of course…


For many, food is a battle. Almost all of us have been on a diet at some point in time. Some people always seem to be on a diet—and usually not a consistent one. Opinions as to what comprises healthy nutrition change from time to time, and our eating habits usually follow the latest theory or fad. (How many people have stayed on their 1970’s low cal diet through the low fat and low carb eras?)

So here is a simple solution:

Never go on a diet again!

When I say, “don’t go on a diet,” I am referring to the intention, not to the behavior. Anybody can benefit from healthier eating habits. The important thing is the intention—to incorporate better nutrition into your life for the health benefits, and not to fight yourself.

So many diet plans, diet books and weight loss programs exist that it would be pretty much impossible to count them all. Low cal, low fat, low carb, slow carb, raw food, beer and cookies—the list continues to expand.

And they all work…

But none of them work…

That is, they all work if you stick to them, but virtually no one sticks to them over a lifetime. I’m not joking about the beer and cookies diet. When I was a college student, I had a good friend who was famous for his beer and cookies diet. He wanted to maintain a healthy weight, but he knew that beer and cookies, on top of everything else he ate and drank, would probably cause him to gain weight. He decided to do away with the unnecessary foods and just stick with the important stuff: beer and cookies! He stuck with it religiously for a good two months. His cookies of choice were home-baked oatmeal raisin cookies or, in a pinch, the occasional box of vanilla wafers. Whichever cookies he had on his plate, he washed them down with his favorite beer: “whatever’s cheap and cold.”

I would never suggest a strict regimen of beer and cookies as a healthy approach to maintaining your ideal weight. My friend never tried to pass his diet off as serious; it was just a fun college guy thing. But he did follow his diet for two months, and he met his objective. It supports the point I am trying to get across. In terms of weight management, lots of diet plans will work, no matter how kooky or unhealthy. The challenge is sticking to a regimen…for the rest of your life.

So often, a diet is process of doing something you don’t like, to fix something you don’t like. What are the odds of that succeeding?

It will be much more self affirming for you to remember The Basic Truth:

You are beautiful and perfect!

This is a more empowering way of thinking than the dieting mindset. Feel love and gratitude for yourself as a beautiful and perfect being, and live your life from that perspective. Then imagine what your life and health will be like in 5…10…25…50 years from now, compared to what it will be like if you keep loathing yourself. Just love yourself and do everything you do—including eating—from that place of self love.

Until next time,
Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, energy healer, lightworker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

PS: Remember to check out my new e-book, Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Guide to Health and Well-being. Visit to learn more about the book, download a free excerpt, and read about the incredible bonuses available if you buy soon.


Betsy said...

Hello Dr. Cochran! I just got an email about the Holistic Chamber of Commerce and saw your name and (of course!) Googled you! What a wonderful idea, and what a lovely blog you have. How long have you been here? I am surprised I am first hearing about you now- my hubby had a stroke at 39 yrs. old in March and I was really looking for someone like you. Of course, we found beautiful assistance here in amazing Sandpoint....but you seem like our kind of guy! Glad you are here. -Betsy

Lisa said...

Hi Dr. Cochran,

I was looking through the search engine results to see if a friend of mine, the door doctor in coeur d'alene was there, and I came across your site. I love, love, love your site and your message and I almost wich I needed a chirpractor so you could be my Doctor. :) be careful what you wish for, yes? Maybe I could get my husband to come to you. Do you work on children? My son used to get some cranial-sacral for a cough-variant asthma - maybe you could help him. Anyway, thanks for this post. I have been forgetting this lately.

Dr. Mark William Cochran said...
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Dr. Mark William Cochran said...

Hi Betsy and Lisa,

Thanks for your comments!

Betsy, I have been practicing in Sandpoint since March, and in Coeur d'Alene for over 8 years.

Lisa, yes, I do work with children. And my adjusting approach includes cranial adjusting.

I'd love to hear back from both of you. I only check these comments every so often, so please feel free to contact me directly at or 208-664-6359 (CdA) or 208-304-2330 (Sandpoint).