Deja vu!?
If this healthy thought looks familar, it is. I used the same one last week. I decided to continue the discussion of last week's post because of an excellent (and important) comment a reader made about it. These blog entries automatically post as notes to my Facebook profile; that's where this exchange took place.
Reader comment:
"I tried treating my headaches with NSAIDs for months, but they kept getting worse until they removed the brain tumor. Enlightened - who cares? Effective, on the other hand, I cared about immensely."
My reply:
"Thanks for your comment, Jan. You make a good point. I hope you understand that I am not suggesting that we never treat underlying causes – or even symptoms, for that matter. In your case, and in many others, that’s clearly an appropriate thing to do. What I’m saying is that there is so much more that we can do. As you describe your experience, things sound pretty cut and dry: remove the tumor and headaches stop. For many others, things aren’t so simple. For example, for many years, I experienced severe, debilitating chronic pain as a result of inflammatory arthritis. A significant part of my journey was the search for that elusive “underlying cause.” Was it my diet…an emotional issue…relationship challenges…subluxations in my spine…a karmic lesson from a past life…clogged charkas…leaky gut syndrome…a vibrational imbalance…or…what…? Never did pin it down. What finally allowed me to leave my arthritis behind was when I shifted my focus away from trying to “fix” my problem and began to do all I could do to maximize my own, natural potential for vibrant health. That’s an approach that benefits everybody, whether one is in perfect health, is journeying with a chronic (or even terminal) disease, or—like you and me—has moved through a health challenge and left it in the past. Thanks again for your comment, Jan. Best wishes to you for continued vibrant health!"
Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Gude to Health and Well-being is curently available as an e-book in various different formats:
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