A couple of days ago, one of my Facebook friends posted a note on my profile page asking what diet I could recommend for losing weight and keeping it off. Here's how I responded:
"Don't go on a diet! Just eat as Nature intended - a balance of fresh, whole, natural, organic, local foods. Focus on a healthy lifestyle rather than the number on the scale or comparing yourself to magazine cover models. I devote an entire chapter to this in Oby's Wisdom. Remember this always: You are Beautiful and Perfect!"
With nutrition as with everything else health related, Nature has the answer. Nature has provided all we need. And when Nature designed our food supply, She didn't include junk like preservatives, food dye, artificial flavorings...

Ponder this: have you ever seen an obese wild animal?
Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: The Oby Phenomenon has begun!
My new book, Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Gude to Health and Well-being is now available in print!For those readers here in the Inland Northwest, you can pick up a copy at these locations:
Spokane: Auntie's Bookstore, downtown
Coeur d'Alene: Hastings
Sandpoint: Inquire Within, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market, Zero Point and Vanderford's Books & Office Products
If you live elsewhere, you can visit the official Oby's Wisdom website to purchase a copy. www.ObysWisdom.com
Oby is also available through Amazon and your favorite local bookstore.

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