An Elder told his grandchild: "I have two wolves fighting inside of me. One wolf is anger, suspicion and fear. The other is a wolf of love, joy, peace and generosity."
“Which wolf will win, Grandfather?” asked the child.
“The one I feed the most,” answered the Elder.
Until next time,
Dr. Mark William Cochran
Chiropractor, lightworker, energy healer, writer, speaker
Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
PS: An update on the Oby Phenomenon:
If do not yet have your own copy of Oby's Wisdom! A Caveman's Simple Gude to Health and Well-being, why wait any longer? For those readers here in the Inland Northwest, you can pick up a copy at these locations:
Spokane: Auntie's Bookstore, downtown
Coeur d'Alene: Hastings
Sandpoint: Inquire Within, Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market, Zero Point and Vanderford's Books & Office Products
We had a GREAT book signing at Inquire Within in Sandpoint yesterday (Saturday). Many thanks to all who attended!
Upcoming book signings:
April 10 - Hastings, Coeur d'Alene, 2-4 PM
April 17 - Borders in Coeur d'Alene, 1-3 PM
April 29 - Auntie's Book Store, Downtown Spokane, 7-9 PM. A reading, Q&A will precede the book signing.
You can also visit the official Oby's Wisdom website to purchase a copy. www.ObysWisdom.com
Oby is also available through Amazon and your favorite local bookstore.

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