Friday, October 26, 2007

An Unfathomable Gift!

"I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving,
harmonious, and happy!"

Jerilyn Whitaker

You have been given a wonderful gift. Have you opened it yet?

I received this quote from my friend Jerilyn in response to my Healthy Thought a couple of weeks ago. It really struck a chord with me because I had just run my first marathon earlier that same day, and I was definitely feeling whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. (Heavy on the strong and happy; throw in a little bit of sore.)

The Spokane Marathon was my third major event on my quest to run Ironman Coeur d'Alene next June. Every time I finish one of these races it's an emotional and exhilirating experience for me. I remember the many years of pain I've been through, and the times when I could only watch others do such things. I didn't even wish that I could do them; it wasn't even in the realm of possibility for me. And now, here I am -- a marathoner! The healing power of the human body (your human body) is truly unfathomable!

Your inherent and breathtaking potential will continue to amaze you as you allow it to unfold. It's the greatest gift you will ever receive. So go ahead...start opening it!

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